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How long does the Shoulder Ham stay good for and how do I store it?Updated 2 years ago

The Shoulder Ham is dry-cured, making it shelf stable! After being delivered straight to your door, the shoulder ham is good for a few months in the refrigerator or room temp unopened

If properly maintained during slicing sessions, the product should stay good for about 3-4 weeks after opening the package. We recommend covering the exposed meat with a slice of the fat under a kitchen cloth to keep it from drying out with a kitchen cloth over it. 

Pro tip: add a couple drops of extra virgin olive oil to the surface where you slice the meat (with the proper storage techniques mentioned) in helping extend the life of the product. Although we hope the meat is too good to last long. 

Refrigerating the leg is not required, just keep it in a cool, dry place with the steps mentioned above. Dry and ambient temperature is just fine. We keep ours on the kitchen counter and slice pieces all day long!

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