How do I cancel a subscription?Updated 5 months ago
Need to cancel your subscription? Follow these steps below!
Curated Boxes
Log into Campo Grande
Select “Manage Subscriptions” in the top left corner
- Select the “Manage Subscription” box next to the active subscription
Scroll down on the left side - select “Cancel Subscription”
Refresh page - if subscription doesn’t cancel, contact customer support
Custom Boxes
Log into Campo Grande
- Select “Manage Subscriptions” in the top left corner
- Select the “Manage Subscription” box next to the active subscription
Select the “Cancel Subscription” button on the upper right side
Please note: Canceling a subscription does not cancel any orders that have already been processed through a subscription's auto-renewal. If a recent order from your subscription has gone through and you would like it canceled, or if you're having issues with cancelling please contact our Customer Experience Team directly.